Character statsMagician starting stats:
12 STR
18 INT
12 AGI
Stats (Base)STR = Strength
INT = Intelligence
VIT = Vitality
AGI = Agility
Stats (ATK)ATK = Physical Attack
MATK = Magical Attack
ACC = Accuracy
Evade Rate= Rate of avoiding / evading enemy damage
Hidden (ATK) statsCritical Rate = Rate of dealing a critical strike (2x damage?).
1-hit-KO Rate = Rate of instantly killing the monster. (sends the enemy flying towards the screen with a unique sound)
Stats (DEF)DEF = Physical Defense
MDEF = Magical Defense
HP Recovery = Rate of HP regeneration
MP Recovery = Rate of MP regeneration
OthersHP = Health Points (getting hit decreases HP; when HP hits 0, you die)
MP = Mana Points (using skills decreases MP; when MP hits 0, you can't use any skills)
ItemsPhysical Damage = A range of numbers (further analysis is required)
Magic Damage = A range of numbers (further analysis is required)
DataAll formulas are entirely self derived and are by no means entirely accurate. I only have 11 levels worth of data at the moment.
All final numbers are rounded down to the nearest whole number.
Round up at .6-.9
Stats (ATK)Base (no equips) ATK = 1.6*(STR)
ATK with weapon equipped= Base ATK + Weapon's Max ATK
Base MATK = If INT= <22, int="22," int=" ">22, then 20+(2*(INT-17)).
MATK with weapon = Base MATK + Weapon's Max MATK
Final numbers are rounded down to the nearest whole number.
Stats (DEF)Base DEF =
DEF with equips = Base DEF + Armor total DEF
Base MDEF =
MDEF with equips = Base MDEF + Armor total MDEF
HP = VIT * [25 + (Level / 4)]
MP = INT * [25 + (Level / 4)]
HP Recovery =
MP Recovery =
Amount regenerated = Recovery value/10
Stats (Base) incrementMagicians gain 1 point in STR, INT, VIT, AGI per level up.
Thus, every level, they gain 1 ATK, 2 MATK, 1.5 DEF, 4 MDEF, 30 HP, and 30 MP.
By statI'm only listing those confirmed:
Magicians:1 Vitality = HP(+30), DEF(+.5)
1 Intelligence = MP(+30), MATK(+2), MDEF(+4)
1 Agility = DEF(+1)
1 Strength = ATK(+1)
Acolytes:1 VIT = HP(+32.2), ATK(+.25), DEF(+.5)
1 INT = MP(+32.25), MATK(+2.375), MDEF(+3)
1 STR = ATK(+1.5), DEF(+(6/7))
1 AGI = EavdeRate(+(1/6)), ACC(+(1/7)), DEF+(2/7)